Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Yesterday I thought I would doll myself up a bit. Its been a couple of months since I wore make-up or something nice. As I searched and searched through the umpteen dozen outfits jammed in my closet it slowly began to dawn on me, I have nothing cute to wear. I mean nothing. Everything is either business attire or working in the yard garb. Oh and let's not talk about the lingerie, which equates to paint stained t-shirts and cotton panties...not sexy one bit. Needless to say when my husband got home that night he found me in tears. I told him I was trying to have a girl day and wanted to fix myself up for him but nothing worked out. My hair wouldn't hold a curl, nail polish smudged (puppies wanted to lick my toes all day) and practically every piece of casual clothing I own looks like something a boy would wear. I just wanted to be a girl today! Bless his heart he tried to make it better by saying; "There's no way you look like a boy and besides it doesn't matter what you wear, I'll just want to take it off anyway." Men! Ah well, that wasn't the point. Like I said, bless his heart for trying to cheer me up.


Amy Plumb said...

How sweet of your hubby to try and make you feel better.

Mine tells me all the time when I look like I just rolled out for under a mack truck - "you look beautiful today sweetie" I think he's crazy but I should be thankful he can see beyond the scary look.


Wendy said...

I feel like my husband must be related to Amy's...or maybe they went to the same school or something, because I can look my worst and he says, "You're SO beautiful!" And I'm thinking, "Yeah, I haven't had a shower, I've got baby spit-up on my shirt, a nervous tic in my eye from lack of sleep and you think I'm beautiful?!?"

The difference between men and women is, women want men to look like Brad Pitt in Troy, and men want women to look...willing. ;)

Anonymous said...

What a slightly disturbing thing to learn about your parents. :|