Thursday, July 10, 2008

Redecorating the Nest

Our last child moved out in January and I've been going through the empty nest depression thing. I have to admit when they were small on a few occasions thinking I couldn't wait for them to be old enough to "get out of my house!" I know, I know, I can't believe I even thought like that but I'm missing them now. Anyway their gone and I haven't done a thing with the empty space. So, I decided to start on my darling daughters room and turn it into a guest room for family that may decide to come and visit (hint hint). Penneys has this pretty good sell on comforter sets and I found this 10 piece set like half off so I order it on-line last Thursday, got it Tuesday and went right to work. After assembling the room I realized that I didn't order the valance and placed the order this morning only to find that this set has been reduced another 40%. Well, let me tell you I about came unglued. Not because of the price reduction but JCP just charged my account the full price while on-line they reduced it! So, I sent an email to their customer service requesting that I receive a credit adjustment on the new reduced price. This is my first time ordering anything on-line and not sure how it all works, wish me luck!


Amy Plumb said...

Love that! And a good deal is even better.

gina said...

That is a totally cute set and at a bargain- well who can beat that?

Wendy sent me over- glad she did.

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